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Julie Raworth
Aug 18, 20232 min read
Using creativity in therapy
Many people declare "I'm not creative or artisitic" and shy away from it. The same way some people declare they are not very organised,...

Julie Raworth
Aug 18, 20233 min read
We are breaking free! Film review
Whenever 13-year-old Mei Lee gets too excited – which is, Disney/Pixar tells us, ‘practically always’ – she poofs into a giant red panda.

Julie Raworth
Oct 28, 20226 min read
NOT working with 'the trauma' when working with trauma
Having developed skills and confidence in working with trauma in recent times I have come to make a developing observation on where our...

Julie Raworth
Sep 11, 20225 min read
Taking inspiration from Queen Elizabeth II to help us cope with seismic change
As the news came in of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II I was sat alone at home having just been told by my GP to start complete rest of...

Julie Raworth
Aug 7, 20221 min read
I don't have the magic do!
At the beginning of therapy clients come to me submissive and lacking in their own ability and ownership of their own solutions. “I feel...

Julie Raworth
Oct 7, 20192 min read
Left Brain-Right Brain is a myth!
BUT DOES IT REALLY MATTER? I have been doing some research lately to put towards my own mindfulness booklet for my clients to help...

Julie Raworth
Apr 12, 20195 min read
How does a country that left thousands dead feel so alive?
All photos taken by Julie Raworth During Rwanda’s genocide hundreds of thousands of people died amongst the beautiful and vast thousand...

Julie Raworth
Jan 30, 20193 min read
Are we exploiting mental health by charging?
I just read a post online criticising us Private Practitioners for exploiting people with mental health issues into spending money when...

Julie Raworth
Jul 31, 201813 min read
Where do I belong in Rwandan Mental Health as a Counselling Psychologist?
On the surface Rwanda is thriving, it is appearing to be a strong conference venue for foreign visitors with its policies on global...

Julie Raworth
Mar 5, 20182 min read
Anxiety be gone!!
Accept anxiety as serving a purpose only in the Here and Now. If you feel your anxiety is in control of you it can make you want it to go...

Julie Raworth
Dec 15, 20176 min read
Written August 2016 Picasso has always been one of my inspirations as an artist and certainly recent work is reflective of this. As well...

Julie Raworth
Dec 15, 20172 min read
Virgin exhibitor exposes her vulnerability for all to see.
On October 23rd to 25th October 2015 I put up my first ever exhibition of art at the Parallax International Art Fair in Chelsea London....

Julie Raworth
Dec 8, 20177 min read
I opened my mouth and my mum came out!
Written May 2013 In wanting to learn and understand about the use of other theoretical approaches in Psychology and Wellbeing I have come...
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Julie Raworth
Dec 8, 20174 min read
"What purpose does it serve to express anger?"
Written Nov 2014 I had never thought of myself as an angry person but over the years a number of people have indicated that anger must...
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Julie Raworth
Dec 8, 20175 min read
Introverts still need connectivity
Written April 2016 I am a self-confessed introvert and I’m proud of this. I don’t see any reason to change this as it is the place I am...

Julie Raworth
Dec 8, 20176 min read
Weight doesn't 'drop off', you have to'work it off'!
Psychological insights from personal experience with weight issues Written Dec 2016 Three months ago I recruited the help of Joanne of...

Julie Raworth
Sep 15, 20174 min read
Is the NHS making mental health worse? ..... Disempowering not empowering
Let’s look at some of the reasons people suffer with depression, anxiety or other mental health issues. They may have core beliefs that...

Julie Raworth
Jul 11, 20172 min read
Boldness be my friend; A call to action; Reflections on my first DoCP conference
How the annual Division of Counselling Psychology conference gave me a sense of belonging and inclusion rather than intimidation and oppres

Julie Raworth
Apr 28, 20165 min read
Introverts still need connectivitiy
I am a self-confessed introvert and I’m proud of this. I don’t see any reason to change this as it is the place I am most creative and...

Julie Raworth
Oct 26, 20152 min read
Accept my Art....Accept Mental and physical health....Accept Me!
On October 23rd to 25th October 2015 I put up my first ever exhibition of art at the Parallax International Art Fair in Chelsea London....
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